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Pop-culture and Youth in Japan and Bulgaria Печать E-mail
25.01.2019 г.

Dear colleagues,

Japanese Studies Department at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" with the kind support of Japan Foundation invites you to take part in the forthcoming conference:

Pop-culture and Youth in Japan and Bulgaria


The conference will be held between 10th and 12th March 2019, at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The invited keynote speakers are: Nobuhiro ITO, Professor at Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University and Yongsu AN, Professor at Ibaraki University. Apart from panel sessions and paper presentations, the event will host workshops and round tables on Theoretical, Social and Economic Aspects of Contemporary Pop-culture in Japan and Bulgaria.

Objectives and Aims of the conference:

Through drawing parallels and performing comparative analysis the conference intends to reveal tendencies in contemporary Japanese and Bulgarian societies as well as to define the role of pop-culture in them. Our goal is to ascertain the social position of young people, the attitudes towards them and the influence of pop-culture on them. We also aim at clarifying the connection between politics, society and pop-culture and its role as a socially-shaping factor for contemporary young people.

The conference will also focus on examining the existing relationship between contemporary pop-music, visual and performing arts and some social processes and tendencies with special attention on young generation. The role and place of modern technology (electronic technologies, the Internet, social media etc.) for spread and growth of pop-culture influence will be discussed too.

Through detailed comparison similarities and differences in both countries with relation to processes concerning young people will be looked at while bearing in mind the influence of globally spread factors, multiculturalism, postmodern attitudes etc. The contrasts observed will be deeply investigated in order to find how they are rooted in the respective mindset of traditional culture.

We hope that a cross-perspective will provide valuable answers to various questions concerning a good number of issues about popular culture.

Working languages are English and Japanese.

Deadline for applications: 10th of February, 2019. Please, send your submissions or inquiries to Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script (use the attached form). Updated information about the event will be regularly posted on Facebook Pop-culture and Youth in Japan and Bulgaria Conference.

After the completion of the deadline you will get notification and further information about the conference schedule.

Travel/accommodation etc. expenses are to be covered by participants.

The organizing committee

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