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Shchepkin Vasily Печать E-mail
25.05.2014 г.
Shchepkin VasilyShchepkin Vasily (born in 1986), researcher at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 2007 graduated from Irkutsk State Linguistic University, the Department of Oriental Languages, and then entered the PhD program of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental studies, RAS. In 2011 he defended a dissertation entitled "Hayashi Shihei's "Kaikoku Heidan" as a significant military and political treatise of the Edo period (1603-1867)". From November, 2010 a junior researcher, from June, 2013 a researcher at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of Russian Academy of Sciences.

In January, 2012 took a short-term training at Hokkaido University (Japan). In February and March, 2013 took part in Japan Foundation support program for young researchers from Russia. In 2013-2014 - visiting researcher at Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies. In 2011-2014 participated in a joint project of IOM RAS and Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies on comparative study of manuscripts "Higashi ezo iko" (from the collection of IOM RAS) and "Ezo seikei zusetsu" (from the collection of Tokyo University).

Field of research: history and culture of Japan, history of Japan's foreign relations, history of Russia-Japan relations, history of Ainu of Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, Japanese manuscripts and woodblock-printed books.

He teaches: History of Japan, History of Japanese Culture, Japanese language, and Japanese historical texts

Winner at the Association of Japanese Studies Award for the best academic paper about Japan in 2012 (category: history, 1st award).

List of publications:

  1. ロシア科学アカデミー東洋古籍文献研究所所蔵「二十五国人物中華地球之図」 ["Niju-go-koku Jinbutu Chuka Chikyu no Zu" at the Insitute of Oriental Manuscripts of Russian Academy of Sciences] // 北海道・東北史研究 [Journal of the History of Hokkaido and Tohoku Regions of Japan], 9 (2014): 1-4.
  2. ロシア科学アカデミー東洋古籍文献研究所所蔵「東蝦夷彙考」翻刻・解題 : 北海道大学アイヌ先住民研究センター古文書プロジェクト報告書2 ["Higashi Ezo Iko" from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS. Reproduction and bibliographical essays]. 札幌 [Sapporo]: 北海道大学アイヌ先住民研究センター [Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigneous Studies], 2014. 152 p.
  3. Влияние возвышения маньчжуров на формирование внешней политики Японии в 1-ой пол. XVII в. [The Influence of the Manchus' rise on the formation of Japan's foreign policy in first half of 17th century] // Страны и народы Востока [Countries and Peoples of the East]. Вып. XXXIV [Vol. XXXIV] (2013): 73-83.
  4. Восприятие сопредельных стран в Японии XVIII в. (на материале трактата Хаяси Сихэй «Сангоку цу:ран») [Reception of the neighboring states in 18th century Japan (on the base of Hayashi Shihei's Sangoku Tsuuran)] // Вопросы философии [The issues of philosophy], 7 (2011): 174-179.
  5. «Эдзо си» («Описание Эдзо») Хаяси Сихэя (вступительная статья и перевод с японского языка В.В. Щепкина) [Ezo shi (Description of Ezo) by Hayashi Shihei (introduction and translation from Japanese by V. V. Shchepkin)] // Письменные памятники Востока [Written monuments of the Orient], 1 (14) (spring-summer 2011): 5-17.
  6. «Кайкоку хэйдан» («Военные беседы о морском государстве») Хаяси Сихэй. Предисловие. Перевод с японского и комментарии В.В. Щепкина ["Kaikoku Heidan" by Hayashi Shihei. Introduction. Translation from Japanese and comments by V. V. Shchepkin] // Письменные памятники Востока [Written monuments of the Orient] 1 (12) (spring-summer 2010): 52-58.
  7. Дискуссия японских мыслителей XVIII-XIX вв. о морской обороне [The discussion of naval defense by Japanese thinkers of the 18th-19th centuries] // Страны и народы Востока [Countries and Peoples of the East]. Вып. XXXIII [Vol. XXXIII] (2010): 167-175.
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