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Study Tour in Japan Program for young Researchers in oriental Studies 2016 Печать E-mail
07.10.2016 г.

In December 2016 the Japan Foundation offers young researchers in oriental studies to take part in study tour program with a visit to Japan. This program is aimed at young researchers engaged in the study of the problems of modern Japan and international relations in East Asia. During this program participants will visit a number of research centers involved in study of Japan and Eastern Asia, government organisations and libraries located in Tokyo and Kansai area. During the stay, participants will have chances to exchange opinions on such issues of common concerns as "urban hollowing out", "brain drain", "coexistence/symbiosis with immigrants", etc. with japanese colleagues and students of higher education.

To become a candidate, researcher should fill out the application form (load, doc) and prepare an essay (A4 2-3 pages) in English on the topic of their research and send it to Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script and Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script e-mail address before October 17 Monday.

Candidates are kindly requested to read all terms and conditions carefully and fill in all required fields of the form. Please attach an essay (A4, max 2 pages) stating:

1) Your field of research,

2) List of selected research project(s) in which candidate participated and the list of his articles (in English or Japanese);

3) expected findings or results after participating in the tour (either in English or in Japanese).

If your resume and an essay are approved, the officials of the Japan Foundation will contact You.

We wish You Good luck!

Japan foundation
Association of Japonologists

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